The lights in Bottle Alley were added in 2017 completely transforming the space into a destination to visit after dark. There are 1524 individually programmable LED lights along the walkway with light shows happening every evening throughout the year at 7:30pm and 9:30pm with an extended show, lasting 30 mins, on Friday evenings. At midnight the lights revert to white and turn off at sunrise.
The lighting scheme won ‘Outdoor Lighting Project of the Year’ at the Lux Awards in 2018.
ZEROH advised the council about their approach to replacing the previous all white lighting in the space in 2017. In November 2017 Hastings Borough Council commissioned ZEROH to produce a sound to light show for invited guests, that showed the new systems capabilities, a video of which is below.
SHOWS AT 7:00 – 7:20 pm / 7:35 – 7:55 pm / 8:10 – 8:30 pm / 8:45 – 9:05 PM
This event is a unique happening with a pre-recorded soundtrack featuring different styles of music animating the lights across the entire 500m length of Bottle Alley – Due to the expected high demand and for safety reasons the approximately 20 minute show will play four times to ensure all that come have a great experience in the space and can fully appreciate this unique visual show. This is a free event open to all, no need to book just turn up at your prefered showtime. We kindly ask that this is an alcohol free event and that dogs are left at home due to the expected high numbers of people attending.